Jacob Dunn

Jacob Dunn

Frequently Asked Questions

What online resources do you use to help you do your job?

I tend to lean heavily into the documentation, if the task requires an unfamiliar technology. Using Google searches, GitHub and medium technical blogs are only a small portion of the resources available to gleen infomation from. Slack, Discord communities and Tech Twitter are all amazing spaces that are often overlooked when sourcing credible information.

How do you keep your technology skills current?

The technology field is ever growing, from new languages and frameworks to new implementations of current ones, staying on top of blogs, communities that share information, documentation and just hands on experimentation.

How do you explain technologies used to someone with limited technical skills?

I have found that conversationally attempting to make connections with an individuals experiences, making analogies in relation to theirs. Automechanics, I relate frameworks to kit cars: an out of the box starter to apply your own components to, languages to the tools in a chest. My gorgeous wife, who is an educator, I would relate documentation to the curriculum they use to teach others.

What strengths do you think are most important in a developer?

I believe that strong communication skills and the ability to learn are two of the most important traits that anyone is able to bring to any role. Technical skills can be taught to someone who is able to Asked questions, be taught, and is willing to learn through their failure as well as success.

What kind of tech projects do you work on in your spare time?

Contributing to Open Source projects on GitHub, finding those issues that I can add value to. Utilizing the open source issue finder available via http://finder.eddiehub.io/, narrowing down issues from GitHub using the search input or clickable search options.