Jacob Dunn

Jacob Dunn

Beyond the bootcamp

The curriculum in bootcamps is very useful, but lacks some of the important aspects of being a developer. Unit Testing, Component Testing, CI/CD, and various other concepts were never touched on or explained. But learning how to learn was a huge advantage in taking the next steps beyond what was taught in the bootcamp. Picking up TypeScript after learning JavaScript and C# was accelerated by the similarities between the language, reading documentation now is understandable and enlightening and exploring new frameworks is enjoyable.

This concept of now knowing how to learn technical languages, frameworks, and problem solve in a new way, has lead me to seek out more information and uses for the skills I aquired in the bootcamp. I have since been furthering my understanding of languages and frameworks, as well as introducing some that extend what I am already comfortable with. The endeavor lead me to the various communities of developers, across multiple platforms, and Open Source.